Course Offering Policy

  1. Australian Academy Business Research (AABR) offers trainings only to those who have enrolled in one of our courses. We do not offer any provision for a trial class in any of courses and/or programs. You must register and enrol in a course to be able to join a class in our courses and/or programs.
  2. AABR does not commit itself to offer all the courses, and programs unless there is sufficient demand to justify them. Some courses may be offered only in alternate semesters or years, or even less frequently if there is little demand. AABR also reserves the right to cancel or defer a course due to low enrolment of students. 
  3. AABR reserves the right to change or modify academic requirements, course information, and curriculum.
  4. We offer two types of online learning. (a) self-paced: this includes access to our online learning management system which includes resources, such as PowerPoint slides, problem solutions, videos clips, practice exams etc. (b) virtual classroom: in a virtual class, students will be able to join a class regularly as per the set timetable. Such classes will be conducted by zoom.
  5. Although AABR believes in rights of education to all, not everyone will be allowed to enrol in a course unless a student meets the certain requirements. For example, enrolment to the Thesis Writing Workshop will require a student’s enrolment to a Research Master’s, DBA or a PhD Program. Without the proof of such enrolment, we may not be able to offer the relevant courses.
  6. All zoom classes may be recorded in video format that will be posted for the students who will be doing self-paced learning. The instructor will make sure that the screen with the audience details will not be recorded and/or will be excluded. If you have any concern, you may choose to keep yourself anonymous in a zoom class and/or keep your camera off.
  7. The resource materials of all the courses will be provided by Moodle as AABR uses Moodle as its learning delivery platform.
  8. For education and learning purposes, enrolled students can routinely download course learning resource materials. Course learning resources are the intellectual property of AABR, and further commercial use of such resources are strictly prohibited.
  9. Whether a course will be delivered face-to-face or online, to be able to succeed, we assume that you have the following tools:
    a. Reliable Computer with Wi-Fi or Hardwired to the Internet
    b. Reliable and constant access to the Internet
    c. A Printer
    d. Adobe Reader or equivalent software to open and read PDF files
    e. Microsoft Office Word or equivalent software to open and read DOCX files
    f. Microsoft Office Excel or equivalent software to open and read XLSX files
    g. Microsoft Office PowerPoint or equivalent software to open and read PPTX files
  10. AABR will not be able to provide any support to get the license of a software such as Office 365.
  11. While we do not make any discrimination in our course offerings, to be eligible to enroll into our courses, a student must be 18 years or over at the date of course commencement date. This also may confirm that a student has prior relevant background to be able start a course that we offer.
  12. The medium of instruction of our courses is in English. We assume that a student has prior knowledge of English, such as speaking, reading, and writing.