Chicago Annual Business Research Conference

Dates: August 26- August 28, 2024


Chicago ANNUAL BUSINESS RESEARCH CONFERENCE (CABRC) is an Annual Global Networking Event, organized by Australian Academy of Business Research (AABR). 

The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity to academics and practitioners around the world to discuss and share the contemporary issues of business and social science research. 

The Conference Venue: The 2024 Chicago Conference Will Be Online Only.

Call for Papers​

The Chicago Annual Business Research (CABRC) invites abstract, papers in progress and full papers from Academics, Practitioners and Research Students with the following broad tracks:

Review Process

  • The abstract, papers in progress will go through a screening process only.
  • All full papers submitted to the conference will go through a screening process only.
  • All full papers that will be considered for publications in an affiliated journal will be subject to a double-blind peer review process.
  • All full papers will be eligible for presentation at ‘Plenary Session’, subject to presentation slot availability.
  • All doctoral students’ abstract, papers in progress will be eligible for presentation during the ‘Doctoral Colloquium’.
  • Acceptance/rejection decision of an abstract or full paper submitted to this conference will be notified to the authors within a week after submission. Authors are advised to view their ‘Spam Folder’ as the system generated emails occasionally land in the ‘Spam Folder’. 

Doctoral Colloquium and Workshop

A Doctoral Colloquium is scheduled for research (MPhil, DBA and PHD) students on August 27, 2024.

  • If you are a doctoral (or a higher degree research) student, you can get one-to-one feedback on your drafted paper(s) from the experts attending the conference or from an editor of an affiliated journal. 
  • A workshop will be conducted for young and early career researchers who will learn how to progress their research project and will get publication tips.

Important Dates

Please mark your calendar

Abstract Due (overseas participants) July 26, 2024
Abstract Due (local and virtual participants) July 26, 2024
Notification of Acceptance Same Day of Submission
Early Bird Registration July 30, 2024
Late Registration Deadline August 7, 2024
Full Paper Submission (Optional) August 7, 2024
Conference Dates August 26-24, 2024

Fee Schedule

  • Registration Type Early Bird Regular
    Registration – Academic and Industry Delegate (Physical Attendance) $450 $550
    Registration – Co-Author of the Same Paper or Student Delegate (Physical Attendance) $350 $400
    Registration – Academic and Industry Delegate Group (total for 5 members) (Physical Attendance) $1,600 $2,000
    Registration – Student Group (total for 5 members) (Physical Attendance) $1,300 $1,600
    Registration – Observer, Poster, or Virtual Presenter $200 $250
    Registration – Additional Paper by the Same Author* $100 $150
    Additional Fees for Publication in a Journal $50 $50
    Conference Dinner $40 $40

    All amounts are in United States dollars. To make a payment for a single item, please click on the amount you want to pay. To complete your registration, please visit the REGISTRATION section and to make a payment for multiple items, please visit the PAYMENT section below. 

    * If the first paper is registered for “physical attendance“, the additional paper(s) by default will be considered for “physical attendance“. If the first paper is registered for “virtual presentation“, the additional paper(s) by default will be considered for “virtual presentation“.

Keynote Speaker


Conference Advisory Committee​

Dr. Mark L. Frigo

Professor, Educator, Author, Speaker, Thought Leader, Board Member

Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, DePaul University, USA

Mark Frigo

Dr. Mark L. Frigo, PhD, CPA, CMA, CGMA is founding Director of the Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation and the Strategic Risk Management Lab in the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business at DePaul University in Chicago where he directs ongoing research on value creating strategies at high performing companies. His innovative curriculum and thought leadership in Strategy, Execution and Valuation was instrumental in helping DePaul develop the largest AACSB accredited part-time MBA program in North America while being ranked in the Top 10 by US News & World Report. Based on this work, he was the recipient in 2019 of the prestigious Via Sapientiae Award, DePaul University’s highest honor for faculty where he continues his work at an active Professor Emeritus.

Dr. Frigo is Ezerski Endowed Chaired Professor of Strategy and Leadership Emeritus and Professor of Accountancy Emeritus at DePaul where he is active in designing and teaching graduate seminar courses, special topic modules, executive education programs and directing DBA dissertations. Dr. Frigo served as a tenured full professor; starting his academic career at DePaul in 1980. His stated mission and purpose is “to co-create working knowledge and new insights with my research partners and to share it in my writing, teaching, speaking, advising and consulting to make the world a better place”. He serves as a visiting professor and visiting scholar at leading business schools and universities throughout North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Dr. Frigo serves as an advisor to boards of directors and executive teams.

Author of seven books and over 145 articles, his work is published in leading business journals including Harvard Business Review. Dr. Frigo is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), a Certified Management Accountant (CMA), a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) and holds a Ph.D. in Econometrics. He is co-author of the book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth (with Joel Litman) which is used by executive teams and boards of directors to drive superior and sustainable value creating performance and a forthcoming book by Stanford University Press DRIVEN STRATEGY: Creating Greater Long-Term Sustainable Value. 

Dr. Frigo’s current research and teaching focuses on long-term sustainable value creation, strategic valuation, life-cycle analysis, strategic risk management and achieving corporate purpose through innovation. He is a pioneer in the evolving body of knowledge in Strategic Risk Management. His thought leadership in the area of Strategic Risk Management and Risk Governance have been published by Harvard Business Press, The Conference Board, Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS), COSO, American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), Financial Executives International (FEI), ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales), CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants), IMA (Institute of Management Accountants), IMA Research Foundation, Financial Executives Research Foundation, and other leading organizations. Dr. Frigo served at a charter member of the RIMS Strategic Risk Management Development Council and co-authored the RIMS Strategic Risk Management Implementation Guide. 

He is co-author (with Richard J. Anderson) of the 2020 COSO report Creating and Protecting Value: Understanding and Implementing Enterprise Risk Management which describes a Strategic Risk Assessment Process designed for Boards of Directors and executive teams for improving risk governance. He is the co-author with Paul L. Walker of The Strategic Financial Executive: Managing Risk in a Disruptive World (Financial Executives Research Foundation 2017); co-author with Hans Læssøe of “Strategic Risk Management the LEGO Group: Integrating Risk Management and Strategy” Strategic Finance (February 2012); co-author with Venkat Ramaswamy, of “Co-Creating Strategic Risk-Return Management” Strategic Finance (May 2009); and coauthor with Mark Beasley of “Strategic Risk Management: Protecting and Creating Value” Strategic Finance (May 2007).

Dr. Frigo has presented keynote presentations and executive education programs to thousands of executives throughout North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. He is an advisor to CEOs, CFOs, executive teams and boards at Fortune 500 companies in strategy and leadership and in developing innovation strategies that drive superior long-term sustainable value-creating performance. Dr. Frigo has presented keynotes and executive education programs at Kellogg Northwestern Executive Management Institute, Chicago Booth, Harvard Club of Boston, Northwestern Medical School, The Conference Board, The Chicago Club, University of Geneva (Switzerland) Executive MBA program, University of Siena (Italy), IPADE Business School (Mexico), Singapore Executive Institute, New Zealand CFO Summit and corporate events and retreats at Fortune 500 companies. 

He is the three-time recipient of the prestigious Economos Distinguished Teaching Award in the DePaul University Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, the DePaul University Excellence in Teaching Award, the Outstanding Accounting Educator of the Year Award in the State of Illinois and numerous awards by professional organizations for his executive education programs and he was profiled in Crain’s Chicago Business in an article about top Business School professors.
His professional career has included working as a financial analyst in corporate mergers and acquisitions, corporate strategic planning, litigation support, banking and management consulting in strategic services at KPMG. 

He serves on the Board of Directors of Keeper Security, Inc. a leading cybersecurity software company and serves on the Advisory Boards of startups and advises Boards of Directors and Executive Team in the areas of strategic valuation and strategic risk management. His clients included PwC, Deloitte, Abbott Laboratories, AbbVie, Kraft Foods, Caterpillar, CNA Insurance, Cisco Systems, Juniper Networks, Oracle, Collins Aerospace, Amkor, Grant Thornton, Driscoll’s, Motorola, Caterpillar, Ingredion, United Nations agencies in Geneva, Switzerland and other leading organizations.

Dr George Michael Constantinides

Leo Melamed Professor of Finance

The University of Chicago Booth School of Business


Dr. Constantinides holds degrees from Oxford and Indiana Universities and currently serves as the Leo Melamed Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. His research interests focus on the valuation of primary assets and derivatives, with emphasis on incomplete markets, non-standard preferences, transaction costs, and learning. He has made significant contributions in addressing the causes of the historically observed premium of equity returns over bond returns. His research has appeared in leading economics and finance journals.

Dr. Constantinides is a Fellow and past President of the American Finance Association. He is a founding member and past President of the Society for Financial Studies. He is editor or associate editor of several finance journals. He is currently research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and member of the advisory board of FTSE Russell. He serves as Director/Trustee of the DFA group of funds and trusts.


Publication Opportunities in Australian Journals

All full papers accepted in the conference will be considered for publications in one of the following journals subject to a double-blind peer review process.

Please note that you can choose an affiliated journal to publish your full paper during the registration process. Please consider your paper coverage area, suitability of your paper and some other factors when you make a choice.